Contribuição no livro Higher Education and the Covid-19 Pandemic (Netswera, Woldegiyorgis & Karabchuk, 2022)

10/05/2022 16:55

A secretária-executiva da PRODEGESP/UFSC e professora substituta do Departamento de Secretariado Executivo da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Fernanda Leal, é uma das autoras do capítulo Brazilian Public Higher Education and Covid-19: Extension/Outreach Initiatives as a Means for Universities to Respond to this Social Crisis. publicado no livro Higher Education and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Cross-National Perspectives on the Challenges and Management of Higher Education in Crisis Times.

O livro, editado por Fulufhelo Netswera, Ayenachew Woldegiyorgis Tatiana Karabchuk, faz parte da série Global Perspectives on Higher Education da Editora Brill.

Clique aqui para mais informações.

Sinopse: COVID-19 caused massive disruptions in the higher education sector across the world. The transition to online learning exposed the deep-rooted inequalities between countries, systems, institutions, and student groups in terms of the availability of information technology infrastructure, internet access and digital literacy, as well as prior training and experiences of faculty in online education. This volume explores various aspects of the impact of the pandemic on higher education management including how university administration responded to the crisis, and the role of local and national government agencies in academic support and higher education delivery. The key findings highlight the importance of better organisation and preparedness of higher education systems for future crises, and the need for a better dialogue between governments, higher education institutions and other stakeholders. The book calls for a collective response to address the digital divide among various groups and financial inequalities within and between the private and public universities, and to plan for the serious challenges that international students face during crisis situations.